Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tiny Guy

We thought this little one had died. But here he is, Tiny Guy, on his 4th day of life ! After paper-clipping a piece of the birth leaf ( with him on it ) to a fresher younger milkweed stem, he disappeared for a whole day. Was there something on the new stem that sickened the little guy...a virus or bacteria ? But this afternoon, there he was ...very still ( dead ? ) but sporting a new look...tiny stripes on a less transparent body. Then, a few hours later we noticed a little hole in the leaf, right next to the caterpillar with some telltale latex sap leaking out from the ragged ( nibbled ) edges....proof that he was eating ! This one is in his 2nd instar...he will shed his skin a total of 5 times before transforming to a chrysalis.

The second fully grown caterpillar is on 'walk-about'....cruising the whole cage for a secure spot to carry out its final metamorphosis. This is where I feel the most conflicted about collecting and caging them....there is no way I can provide exactly what it is they are looking for...I can only try and anticipate what a creature so different from me might need.
And this is where the intensive 3 day workshop with Monarch Teacher Network, that I took several weeks ago, really pays off. A total immersion in all that is Monarch for 3 days. They do this through games, books, films, sharing stories, a field trip and probably most importantly...lots of actual eggs, caterpillars and adult Monarchs to gain hands-on experience. Complete respect, even reverence, are practiced in the handling of every stage of the butterfly...from egg to wing. And all carried out with great humor and understanding. I am still in awe of their mission and commitment.

We will release "our" butterflies as soon as they emerge and their wings have stiffened up enough to begin their incredible journey South to Michoacan, Mexico.

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