Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cat-Minty Madness

While doing a little more clean up in the fenced garden, before I let the hens out for the day, the cats, Sam ( pictured ) and Nemo The Plush came in and discovered clumps of catmint I had pulled up ( the ground is nice and soft at the moment...it easily gives up the weeds ). They went crazy twisting and rolling on the clumps, even batting them around a bit. Sam started kicking his own head while grabbing at his tail; Nemo cavorted about like a kitten....very cute. Here's Sam looking a little wild, just before he sprang away. The Catmint becomes a bush in the right conditions, and the insects LOVE it. Its free-seeding ways must be looked after though, or you end up like me...with hundreds of young plants that grew quietly over the Winter and are now setting the stage for Flower Bed Domination.